We are inviting EC-Council certified CCT members to be a part of the CCT Scheme Committee. Click here for more details.

Code of Ethics

  • Keep private and confidential information gained in own professional work, (in particular if it pertains to your client lists and client’s personal information). Not collect, give, sell, or transfer any personal information (such as name, e-mail address, Social Security number, or other unique identifier) to a third party without your client’s prior consent.
  • Protect and respect the intellectual property of others by relying on your own innovation and efforts, thus ensuring that all benefits vest with its originator. Disclose and report to appropriate persons or authorities’ potential dangers to any e-commerce clients, the Internet community, or the public, as applicable.
  • Provide service in own areas of competence. You should be honest and forthright about any limitations of own experience and education. Ensure that the Certified Member is qualified for any project by an appropriate combination of education, training, and experience.
  • Never knowingly use software or process that is obtained or retained either illegally or unethically.
  • Not to engage in deceptive financial practices such as bribery, double billing, or other improper financial practices.
  • Use and protect the property of your clients or employers only in ways which are properly authorized, and with the owner’s knowledge and consent.
  • Avoid any conflict of interest. Disclose to all concerned parties, including (without limitation) your clients, employers, EC-Council any actual or potential conflicts of interest that cannot reasonably be avoided or escaped. For the purpose of clarity, if you have participated in Item writing for any of the EC-Council certification examinations, you will not be allowed to sit for the same certification examination. Further, if you wish to be EC-Council’s Consultant, you must disclose your association with EC-Council’s other products and/or services and/or your association with competing products and/or services.
  • Ensure good management for any project as a Certified Member.
  • Add to the knowledge of the e-commerce profession by constant study, share the lessons of own experience with fellow EC-Council members, and promote public awareness of benefits of electronic commerce.
  • Conduct oneself in the most ethical and competent manner when soliciting professional service or seeking employment, thus meriting confidence in the Certified Member’s knowledge and integrity.
  • Ensure ethical conduct and professional care at all times on all professional assignments without prejudice.
  • Not to associate with malicious hackers or engage in any malicious activities.
  • Not to purposefully compromise or allow the client’s or organization’s systems to be compromised in the course of the Certified Member’s professional dealings.
  • Ensure all penetration testing activities are authorized and within legal limits.
  • Not to take part in any black hat activity or be associated with any black hat community that serves to endanger networks.
  • Not to be part of any underground hacking community for purposes of preaching and expanding black hat activities.
  • Not to make inappropriate reference to the certification or misleading use of certificates, marks or logos in publications, catalogues, documents or speeches.
  • Not to be in violation of any law of the land or have any previous conviction.
  • Make claims regarding certification only with respect to the scope for which the certification has been granted.
  • Not to use the certification in a manner as to bring EC-Council into disrepute.
  • Not to make misleading and/or unauthorized statement regarding the certification or EC-Council.
  • Discontinue the use of all trademarks as regard to the certification which contains any reference to EC-Council and/or EC-Council trademark or logo or insignia upon suspension/withdrawal of the said certification.
  • Return any certificates issued by EC-Council upon suspension/withdrawal of the certification.
  • Refrain from further promoting the certification in the event of the said certification is withdrawn or suspended.
  • Inform EC-Council without any undue delay of any physical or mental condition which renders the Certified Member incapable to fulfill the continuing certification requirements.
  • Maintain the certification by completing, within the time frame specified by EC-Council, all continuing certification requirements (if any) that correspond with Certified member’s particular certification.
  • To not to participate in any cheating incident, breach of security, misconduct or any other behavior that could be considered a compromise of the integrity or confidentiality of any EC-Council certification examination.