We are inviting EC-Council certified CCT members to be a part of the CCT Scheme Committee. Click here for more details.

Report Violation

EC-Council commitment towards ethics is the mainspring that holds all of its programs, services, people and operations together. EC-Council regards ethics in earnest and from stem to stern. Corollary, EC-Council mandates and stipulates all of its certified professionals, candidates, and prospective candidates to conduct themselves with the law, spirit of the law, and ethical practices that would reflect positively on clients, corporates, industries, and the society at large. EC-Council Code of Ethics tops EC-Council mandatory standards and is a requisite and indeed a pillar of its strength.

EC-Council has an objective and fair process of evaluating cases of ethics violation. Any person/s may report an EC-Council certified professional by filling EC-Council Violation of Ethics Report form, describing clearly the facts and circumstance of the violation, and obtaining the confirmation of two verifiers who confirm that the report is true and correct.

The form will be submitted to EC-Council Scheme Committee for their review and resolution. The Committee will rule in light of substantial and sufficient evidence of ethics violation. Possible resolutions or penalties may include decertification, reprimand, warning, suspension of certification, publication of infraction and/or penalty, and lastly any possible litigation.

EC-Council will be formally notified of the Scheme Committee resolution in writing and with full details. EC-Council will notify the member/s, persons or parties concerned by email or registered mail of the Scheme Committee resolution. The Committee resolution is considered as final.

Download Ethics Violation Report Form. Please fill, sign and email completed form to [email protected]